Frequently Asked Questions for Caregivers
1. What can you do if you suspect abuse?
Protecting children & youth is everyone’s responsibility. If you think a child or youth under 19 years of age is being abused or neglected, you have the legal duty to report your concern to a child welfare worker. Phone 1 800 663-9122 at any time of the day or night. We understand that making a report of this nature is not easy and we aim to increase the knowledge of how to do so, the confidence of those reporting and the professionalism as it is reported. The duty to report is based on the fact that maltreatment is so often hidden, and that when someone knows about it, they have an obligation to intervene. Remember, “No action for damages may be brought against you for reporting information under the Child, Family and Community Service Act unless you knowingly report false information, or the report was not made in good faith”.
2. Who provides services to the child/ youth?
An advocate will provide children, youth and their non-offending family members with child friendly trauma informed support services. Advocates are not part of the recorded interview or investigative team, however regardless of the outcome of the investigation, they are an ongoing support for children and their caregivers. More than one person may perform advocacy functions at different points in time, for example program coordinators, victim service workers and other staff may also offer ongoing support and service connection to meet the unique needs of each child and their caregivers.
3. What should I tell my child/youth about visiting Raven's Nest?
It may be a good idea to prepare your child/youth before visiting the center. Parents/caregivers can explain that Raven’s Nest is a safe place where kids and young people go to talk about what happened. You can explain they will meet a few different people whose jobs are to talk to kids and that it is okay to talk with the adults who work at Raven’s nest. Ensure your child that they are not in trouble and lots of kids visit the center to get resources available to everyone in the community. As a caregiver, try not to ask questions about the incident and provide support by listening and providing reassurance such as, “Thanks for telling me that;” “I’m proud that you told” and “I am always here to listen” or “It’s not your fault”. If you have questions about an upcoming visit to Raven’s Nest, please call our center and one of our staff members would be happy to speak with you before your appointment day and send you resources if need be.
4. Am I able to bring my other children to the centre?
Yes. Raven’s Nest is dedicated to being a safe space for kids and youth. We are excited to welcome our community into a warm and friendly environment that is equipped with books, stuffed animals and free guest WiFi to ensure your circle of support is as comfortable as possible.
5. What can I do to cope with my own feelings after learning about an abuse disclosure?
Hearing details of abuse may be profoundly upsetting to you, particularly if the abuser is someone you know or someone you thought you can trust. If you yourself are a survivor of abuse, the disclosure may also bring up painful memories and feelings. It is important to look
after ourselves so that we can look after others. Self-care is a critical part of the healing process for victims as well as their caregivers. Do not be afraid to ask for help from a trained professional. If you’re not sure where to start, you can say: “I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, it
would be helpful to have someone to talk to.”