Build a Safer Future Without Abuse
“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” -Carl Jung
Partnering with men to build safety and respect in their families. The Men Choose Respect Program is for men who want to stop their use of abuse in their personal relationships and choose respect as well as equality with their partner.
The program provides a combination of individual and group sessions that support men as they make decisions to base their relationships on safety, respect, and caring. All services are free and confidential.
Men can self refer to the program by contacting us. A facilitator will respond within 3 business days and set up a time for an intake appointment.
Are You Willing To:
-Make a commitment
-Consider personal responsibility and stop the use of abuse and/or violence
-Set goals and report progress
-Participate in individual and group sessions
-Commit to the process and attend 80% of group sessions or more
If you are ready to take these steps to lead towards quality relationships based on caring, respect, and equal partnerships, contact us at:
For self-referral please leave a voicemail at 250-710-7055 or email us at menchooserespect@cwav.org
Need More Information?
For self-referral please leave a voicemail at 250-710-7055 or email menchooserespect@cwav.org